Site Redesign - The New School - Reserve Services

Heuristic Analysis, Wireframes and Prototyping

This project is a redesign of The New School (TNS) course reserve pages.

These pages enable faculty to request content be made available by the library for their students. Content includes electronic content including electronic books, PDFs of scanned content, electronic articles, databases and streaming video, as well as physical media such as books and DVDs. The reserve pages also allow faculty to monitor request status and manage their discoverability.

Heuristic Analysis


Problems above the fold:

  • visual clutter

  • text heavy

  • lack of hyperlinks

  • lack of visual hierarchy

  • lack of TNS and library branding

  • the tools on the left, including the most prominent function (adding items to reserve) are confusing

  • is not optimized for mobile


Problems below the fold:

  • tagging system is confusing and cluttered

  • tools for Streaming Video and Video are redundant

  • list of items contain unimportant information for the user

  • list of items are not differentiated

  • unable to sort or reorder in a meaningful way


below the fold cont.:

  • long scroll makes it hard to find content when there are more than 10 items in a class


Sketch of a Course Reserves page optimized for mobile. Features included:

  • prominent “add materials” button

  • profile and search functions

  • attention to branding and visual hierarchy

  • list transformed to cards with images and meaningful content


Desktop display featuring

  • prominent “add material” button

  • less text

  • visual hierarchy

  • branding

  • relevant navigation at the top of the page


Item list featuring

  • card design

  • meaningful information

  • images

  • robust sort and filter functionality

  • item and list sketches

  • item card

  • list view


Course Reserves.jpg

Mobile friendly wireframe for mobile and desktop views

desktop view featuring prominent “add materials” button

desktop view featuring prominent “add materials” button

mobile view

mobile view

add materials process



Research - Nonprofit in the Arts and Sciences