Research - Human Resources - HR Nexus

Research, User Journey Maps, Affinity Maps, Wireframes, Prototyping

This project focuses on interaction design to create a product for a human resources company.

HR Nexus is a company that connects human resource professionals with companies in need of human resource related services. I was tasked with developing a product for HR Nexus. Using Miro, I collaborated with a team in my Fundamentals of Interaction Design class to develop parameters for a product. We developed objectives and contexts and then collaborated on developing a service and a related product. We created a lotus blossom canvas of precedents to have a better understanding of the current market. From there I built out user journeys, wireframes and a prototype for HR Nexus.


collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

precedent lotus

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

collaboration with Liuqing Jennifer Yang and Derrick Forrest

User Journeys

Client Searches for a Professional HR Person


HR Professional Creates Profile

HR_UserJourney (1)_cropped_smaller.jpg

HR Professional Searches and Selects Job, Initiates Work

HR_UserJourney (2)proSearchesandInitiatesJobs_small.png

Wire Frames

  • Register

  • Login

  • Main navigation

  • Search category

  • Sort

  • HR Professional

  • Compare professionals

  • Sort Professionals



Research - Nonprofit in the Arts and Sciences


Site Redesign - Literary Publisher - is/ought books